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Appendix A: Fumbles & Criticals

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Appendix A: Fumbles & Criticals

The place where, "whoops, I did it again" is not sung by Brittany 


It never fails, the moment that it appears your twelfth level paladin is about to make thirteenth. . .his sword breaks, his partner trips him, an unfortunate richochet garrotes him with a bent arrow.

Appendix A provides a simple set of tables based on the D6 System but applicable to any system to judge just when the impossible, unthinkable, and un-freakin'-believable happens.

Appendix A Includes

bullet1 Generic Weapons' Fumble Table
bullet1 Spells & Talents Fumble Table (with focus)
bullet1 Critical Hit Table



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Last modified: October 30, 2001